
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
53: Crush Puny Humans
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the worst Audible-sponsored podcast on the internet. Happy Halloween! Today’s episode has almost nothing to do with Halloween because we forgot it was coming up. Instead, the worst podcast host on the internet, Ryan Wolf, is joined by Number One Blackout Winner Cody Slabaugh, former professional wrestler and spokesperson for the industrial usages of paperclips Austyn Torres, and fan favorite wise-guy and lover of ALL anime Sam “Criss-Cross” Romero for a slightly more focused episode than our regular drivel. Here’s the full rundown of topics:
Cody wins a round of Blackout
Fallout 76 BETA talk/Sam loses him mind
Netflix’s Norsemen
News: Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey Live Event struggles
Xbox in prison
Microsoft prototypes Xbox controllers for mobile
2019 Switch update?
Red Dead 2 vs Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Austyn plays Red Dead Redemption 2
The Suffering
Alice Cooper
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Are you excited for Xbox mobile controllers? What about Fallout 76? What’s your best place in Blackout? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
52: Grab Hold of Those Tentacles and Milk It
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only podcast on the internet to be sponsored by our fellow possibly-conscious brethren: the Squids. On this episode, host resident rant-master Ryan Wolf is joined by Marvel aficionado and non-fiction audiobook listener Malcolm Wilson as well as the podcast’s only fan of doing shit other than video games, the hype man of King Arthur’s court, the guy that can throw a baseball faster than a skateboarder, Sam “Red Ranger” Romero! Here’s the full rundown of today’s topics:
Sam goes to Northwest Indiana’s largest corn maze (maize?)
Ryan tries to explain how corn mazes work
King Corn streaming on Amazon
How It’s Made: Bread
We miss Dirty Jobs
Malcolm lists his top 3 favorite Marvel movies
Ryan shits on the Discovery Channel’s Treasure Quest: Snake Island
News: Luke Cage gets some sad news
Games as a service rakes in cash
We debate PewDiePie’s impact on gaming
Malcolm talks Gears of War 4’s loot system
Obama News
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Have you been to the Stranger Things corn maze? Is Treasure Quest: Snake Island as bad as Ryan thinks it is? Is Sam right about PewDiePie? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
51: Drunk and Womanly
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the podcast through which celestial bodies are formed! Join host Ryan Wolf as he sits down with Van Delay Industries Latex Salesman of the Year Austyn “I’d Rather be Gamin’” Torres and our resident Lord of the Rings Lorekeeper and the only person on the podcast with encyclopedic knowledge of useless anime facts, Sammy “3 Knees” Row Row Romero! Join us for a bit of storytelling and a bit of news. Here’s the full rundown:
Sam goes to a prematurely-thrown Halloween party
Austyn plays Vermintide 2
Ryan plays Black Ops 4
Forza Horizon 4 impressions
Xbox Game Pass
News: Iron Fist CANCELLED!
Black Ops 4 Sales data
Ninja and Fortnite
Crysis goes BC
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Would you like Sam to crash more Halloween parties and tell us about it? What do you think of Black Ops? Did Iron Fist deserve to be cancelled? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
50: Fifty Shades of Venom
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now celebrating our fiftieth episode! Today’s show is packed to the rafters like Tom Hardy’s junk in the Venom suit! This 3-parter is kicked off when host Ryan Wolf is joined by metermaid Austyn Torres, little comic book lover Cody Slabaugh, DJ Traverse City Oscar Grrrrrrerro and Just Misael. Then Austyn and Ryan are joined by the best damn developer we have ever interviewed: Neil from Teeny Meany Games! And last, resident ginger and Venom fanboy Justin Campbell joins Ryan, Oscar and CrocodileYankee in the flesh Malcolm “Gears4Lyfe” Wilson for a long-length chat. Here’s the full rundown:
Henry Cavill no longer Superman!
Captain Marvel trailer reactions
The Witcher: Who should play Geralt the Witcher?
Interview with Teeny Meany Games developer Neil!
Piss Off the Bot Bot Bob Kickstarter
VENOM Spoilercast!
How does Venom compare to Deadpool?
Should Venom have been rated R?
The Deadpool Before Christmas
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Who do you think should star in The Witcher? What did you think of Captain Marvel? Was Venom any good? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Find Neil at www.teenymeanygames.com
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
49: Jared Leto Drinks Blood
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the internet’s only podcast to feature kind of well-done celebrity impressions! Join host Ryan Wolf on this crazy episode that features the triumphant return of the second greatest Madden player on the podcast Justin Campbell, heartbreaker and dream maker Austyn “Ballin’” Torres, and the one place Crunchyroll gets all their money from, it’s anime’s own Sam “F****” Romero. Here’s the full rundown:
Rap music!
Madden 19
We predict Venom reviews
What we want from the Venom universe
Assassin’s Creed meets Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Red Dead 2 download size
Net neutrality
Cross-platform multiplayer is officially here!
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! What do you think of the Totino’s tie in for Assassin’s Creed? Does anyone else have internet that is as bad as Sam’s? Venom! Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
48: Alternate Reality Peanut Butter
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the podcast with a bunch of Bethesda Fan Boys! Host Ryan Wolf is joined by Sammy Salami Romero and managing video editor of The Idiot Savants Malcolm “Crocodile Yankee” Wilson for some news, some video game stories, and some actual heartfelt content. Here’s the full rundown:
Sam watches Bob Ross/Ryan paints a picture for Malcolm
Call to Action: Please send us your paintings/hand drawn pictures of what we look like
Sam celebrates Hobbit Day
Malcolm plays Gears of War
Mini-rant: Brain Games
Surprise! Sam plays Skyrim and manages to relate it to anime
Sam makes a mod for Skyrim
The Peanut Butter Story
Does peanut butter belong on pizza?
Telltale Games shuts down
Is Taco Bell’s 5 Dollar Box a good deal?
Malcolm spoils Dexter
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Is Taco Bell the best deal in fast food? Do you want to hear more stories of Sam playing Skyrim? Any Gears of War fans out there? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:
Picture credit: © Yuliadavidovich

Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
47: Dinosaurs Ate Spider-Man
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only podcast on the planet to feature a talking spider! In part one of today’s episode Ryan Wolf is joined by Sammy “Row Row Row-mero” and then after the break, practically the whole crew is here as professional nap-taker and adult Austyn Torres, Misael “I Platinumed Spider-Man and All I Got Was To Be on a Shitty Podcast” Canales, Cody “Symbiote” Slabaugh, and DJ Traverse City Oscar Guerrero grace us with their presence for some SPOILER-FILLED SPIDERMAN TALK. Here’s the full rundown:
Ancient Aliens
Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout Beta (BLOFB)
Darksiders 3 Apocalypse Edition
Bumblebee trailer
Crossing Souls Songs:
Purple Skulls Theme: https://apple.co/2DfQ6ay
Fight! https://apple.co/2PNL3zi
And after the break:
Quick Venom movie update
Spider-Man (PS4) Spoilercast
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Has anyone else platinumed Spider-Man? Crossing Souls for Game of the Year anyone? Should Ryan buy Darksiders 3? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
46:The Art of Piracy
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now officially popular in Germany! We missed you all last week! This episode is hosted by Ryan Wolf and he is joined by the man with the plan, the swashbuckling, Austyn “Generic Pirate Name” Torres as well as the best person to have with you if you really really need to disperse copious amounts of border-line useless anime knowledge Samuel “Sam-ime” Romero. Here’s the rundown:
Black Sails
Sam plays party games
Could you eat yourself if you were hungry enough?
Mission: Impossible – Fallout
For Honor
Ubisoft vs other publishers
Blade in the MCU?
Anthem/Red Dead/Cyberpunk demos
Collector’s editions of games/Skyrim
Can we please figure out player character/NPC interaction?
Cross-play update
Attack on Titan
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Did you guys like the new Mission: Impossible? Will Blade ever be in the MCU? Could you eat yourself if you were hungry enough? Let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Audible Sponsorship:

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
45: Your Neck Ain't Even Red, Boy
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now with 100% more sponsorship! Today’s episode brings together host Ryan Wolf and his crew of degenerates and idiots. Joining him is the one-man band, the Comic-Book Lover, Mr. Weld Flash himself Cody Slabaugh, as well as Pokemon heartbreaker and purveyor of Pokemon enslavement Troy “Giovanni” Osborn, and not to be forgotten professional gamer and Game of Thrones Lover Austyn Torres! And by “Game of Thrones lover” I mean that he likes Game of Thrones a lot not that he has a crush on any of his siblings or anything… moving on! Here’s the list of topics for this week:
Cody talks about the glory of Letterkenny
Ryan watches The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2
Stardew Valley
Cody buys a Playstation 4
Pokemon news
Fallout 4 mods and achievements
Assassin’s Creed news
Xbox All-Access
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Are there any other fans of Letterkenny? Have you spent an unreasonable amount of time getting bullshit achievements/trophies? Will you get the Xbox All-Access pass? You can let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
44: Sam Gets Fired?
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the internet’s least factual podcast! King of the Idiots Ryan Wolf is joined on today’s episode by the Soup-Slayer, movie maker and beard wearer Justin Campbell, the bane of all free and wild Pokemon the Pokemurderer Troy Osborn, and back from his birthday extravaganza that none of us were invited to, the defender of all that is good and innocent, the mortal enemy of all that Ryan loves, Sam “Meme Machine” Romero! Join four idiots on a journey that goes off the rails even more than usual with the following:
Man VS Food: Magikarp
Pokemon Storyline
Pokemon Go News!
Dragonball: A Short History
Old people impressions
Ryan sounds like Alex Jones
Dark Souls
Black Ops 4 Beta
Games coming out this year
Sam celebrates his birthday!
Sam reviews Tusk and Van Helsing
Ready Player One discussion
Small Soldiers argument
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Please if ANYONE enjoyed our old people impressions, let us know. Will BO4 be trash? Did Tusk or Van Helsing deserve higher ratings? You can let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations: