
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
43: My Cat Eats Styrofoam
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only podcast on the internet recorded in a leather shoe! Host Ryan Wolf is joined by the gamer every gamer wishes they could be Austyn “Bloody Brilliant” Torres. Join the only two idiots who were available to record this week as we stay on topic better than we usually do with the following:
Little people and An Idiot Abroad
Austyn plays Hyrule Warriors
Crazy Train of Nindies: Crossing Souls
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Ryan loves Jurassic Park
James Gunn might be rehired?
Austyn doesn’t know what the Spiderverse is
EA’s Moral Money Compass
Non-Anthem-related Bioware news
Steven Seagal gets a special diplomatic appointment!
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Is anyone else a fan of Bridgette the Midget? Do you like or dislike Jurassic Park? Do you think EA suddenly became a moral company? You can let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
42: Michael Bay is Trash
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now on Instagram so we can get shit on by punkasses! This episode brings together Ryan Wolf (the world’s worst podcast host), For Honor semi-pro gamer and cinematographer for DJ Traverse City Justin “@25SoupMan” Campbell, and the world’s number one Michael Bay impersonator and lover of leather bound books Sam “Michael Bay” Romero! Come along on this episode and get ready to get weird.
Michael Bay gets shit on
Sam’s weekend trip to the arcade
Justin films shit
Crazy Train of Books Hour?
Demonata/Cirque Du Freak/Xanth/The Darkest Minds
A brief argument regarding The Hunger Games
Check-in with For Honor
Crossing Souls
PSA regarding 5g WiFi
Fallout News: Northern Springs mod/dlc
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Do any of you know what the Demonata is? Is Sam right to hate The Hunger Games? Does Michael Bay deserve to be shit on so badly? You can let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
41: It's the Ass-Cast!
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the best podcast for people who like to wear mismatched socks, unsuitable shoes or socks with sandals! Seriously, you keep doing you and don’t let the hellscape that is human social interaction tell you who you need to be. On this stupefying (maybe just stupid?) episode, Ryan Wolf, worst podcast host ever, is joined by JD Power Award for Gaming Excellence winner Austyn Torres, every Pokemon’s worst nightmare and simultaneously their best friend Troy “Dragon Tamer” Osborn and the One Punch Man himself, the man Goku is training to be, his power is over 9000 Sam “The Babbi” Romero! Ride along on our off-the-rails discussion of the following topics:
James Gunn gets fired
News: Fallout Miami and Fallout 76 BETA
Troy goes to Pokemon Go Fest
Ryan buys a “new” car
Apologies in advance for our worst bit ever
Sam geeks about LOTR again
Sam’s reading level
Tim Sweeney news
Austyn plays Fortnite
News: Paladins is free to play on Switch
News: Realm Royale is coming to Xbox
Crazy Train of Indie Minute: The Sparkle ZERO
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Is anyone else excited for Fallout: Miami? Should we all just play that instead of Fallout 76? Is the wheel of cheese thing our worst joke ever? Do you want to play Realm Royale with us? Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. You can let us know in the comments on Podbean, Youtube, on Twitter or via email! A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
40: The Wolverine Hour
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the number one podcast for Wolverine fans everywhere! Podcast host Ryan Wolf is joined in this episode by Pokemaster Troy “Babymaker” Osborn, Gold 2-ranked Siege player Cody “GD” Slabaugh, and omni-present beard owner Austyn Torres for some wildly off the rails discussions regarding the following topics:
Troy had a kid!
JarJar Binks gets some love (and not in a weird way)
Whats it called when you have to poop?
Surprise! Troy has a Pokemon Go update
Austyn hates Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Should games be more expensive?
Ryan is an idiot
Rainbow 6 Siege
Modern Warfare 3 hacks
Monster Hunter Worlds
Troy’s son plays Prop Hunt
The World of Ice and Fire
PUBG check in
Crazy Train of Thought Presents: The Wolverine Hour
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! What’s your favorite euphemism for having to poop? Would you like to join The Idiot Savants Rainbow 6 Siege team? Did you know Moby Dick is the name of the whale? Is Ryan the biggest idiot? Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. You can also let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
39: Don't Flex on Disney
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the number one place to listen to three idiots and one smart lady debate fake quantum physics! Proven to be the worst podcast host in the world, Ryan Wolf is joined by everyone’s favorite short-attention-spanned weeb, the Master of Muppets Sam “Lil’ Sammi Sammich” Romero, Ryan’s wife “Just Rachel,” and reintroducing the representative for all Mexican-American DJ’s in Indiana who are also into comic books and nerd stuff, his first podcast since Episode 29 where his insanely accurate predictions for the Marvel Cinematic Universe have all but come true, DJ Travieso in the flesh Oscar Guerrero! On this episode, we cover a multitude of topics, but listener beware. There WILL be Antman and The Wasp SPOILERS. So, come back to this episode if you have not seen the movie. Also:
Sam’s dead beta fish
Oscar goes to Mexico to see family
What’s the hottest thing you’ll eat comfortably?
Disney/Comcast bidding war is over
Meat and Potatoes: Antman and The Wasp Spoilercast
An on-air revamp of our movie rating scale
Is Ghost better than Black Widow or Killmonger?
Speculation for implications of the events in Antman and The Wasp
Jim Carrey for Green Goblin! The campaign starts here!
An uninformed quantum realm debate
Sam gives us the same breaking news as last week
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! What did you think of Ghost? Should Jim Carrey be Norman Osborn? We would also accept corrections for anything inaccurate we might have said about the way the quantum realm works in the MCU. Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. You can also let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
38: The Deathstar, You Buffoon
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, every homeless squirrel’s favorite podcast! Attention everyone, we have an important announcement. Rejoice Idiots, for your voices have been heard… back from the dead, the recently crowned Weeb King of Indiana, fan favorite, and out-of-the-box thinker Sam “Smiling Sal, the Baby Baboo” Romero rejoins us in this episode! Ryan Wolf hosts this triumphant return and we are joined by Bear Grylls enthusiast and wily rascal Austyn “Shoot From the Hip” Torres for a discussion that covers the following topics:
How to cook cookie dough on a camp fire
Sam gets shut down by a pretty girl
Is Jump Force the new J Stars?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC
Battlefront 2 campaign/DLC
Ryan saw Journey and Def Leppard
Jessica Jones Season 2
Far Cry 5 live events
PUBG bitchfest
The Darwin Project
Dragon Ball Super movie news
Crazy Train of Anime minute
So… Pogs and Beyblade used to be a thing
Skyrim DLC Forgotten City news
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Is anyone besides Sam excited for the Dragon Ball Super movie? Do you remember Pogs? Is Ryan wrong about PUBG? Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave a review if you liked what you heard. You can also let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
37: Damn it, Troy Made it Weird
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now the number one podcast in the hearts of all Vampyrs! Ryan Wolf is joined on this episode by new baby-daddy Troy “Game Freak” Osborn, the man with a thousand faces, but only one beard Austyn Torres, and Just Human Misael for a slightly more on the rails discussion of the following topics:
Ads vs Commercials
Pokemon Go news update
Should PS Plus/Games with Gold still be a thing?
Next gen cross-play speculation
Vampyr: Is it worth it?
Austyn played Life is Strange: Before the Storm
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
Why can’t we better convey sarcastic dialog choices?
Fallout Shelter is garbage
Ryan played Realm Royale
A Paladins Update
Ryan is an idiot
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Did you think Vampyr was worth it? Is Fallout Shelter garbage? Is Ryan an idiot? The answer is obvious but let us know anyways! Don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and please leave us a review if you liked what you heard. You can also let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! A special thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Xbox/Nintendo Minecraft Commercial: https://youtu.be/cTebC0-ogVc
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Soundtrack https://open.spotify.com/user/gabicustodip/playlist/6Lr0QkSKO7X13yQHQs4UCz?si=CKDUrRGtSpWeMCN9B6kP7A
Spotify Podcast Link: https://open.spotify.com/show/0UglKe56wK9BIYfAiERftz?si=z2e328RfR3-Pzok31VBy3Q

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
36: Cross-Platform Play Hurdles and the Space Force
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the irreverent podcast you should let your mom listen to! Hosted by the internet’s worst podcast host (Ryan Wolf), this episode brings back fan-favorite Celtic word-warrior Justin Campbell and the nerdy-ist nerd Cody “Insert Hype Name” Slabaugh for a discussion that goes to some dark, terrible, but also funny places. Here is a roughly chronological list of said places:
Cody hasn’t had internet for a month (SAD!)
Intimacy and Fecal Matter
Justin gets selected to work for PornHub (skit)
Cody played Hyrule Warriors
Cross-platform play: The Fortnite Conundrum
Deadpool the game
GameStop wants to sell themselves
Call of Duty discussion
Movies that couldn’t be made today
RealTalk: Should The Hulk wear a bra?
Video Game High School/Corridor Digital/RocketJump
Space Force meets Space Team
Disney/Fox deal
A short Mandela Effect update
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Please let us know if you think The Hulk should wear a bra and don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review. You can also let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! Thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:
Barry J. Hutchison’s Space Team: http://a.co/eUyXwEm
Lonely Island’s Space Olympics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TICjEsvC8o
Corridor Digital’s PUBG Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URflvZepgAM

Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
35: Devolver Digital Wins E3 (Again)
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the best irreverent podcast vaguely about video games recorded for your listening pleasure in Indiana, USA! This episode stars Ryan Wolf as The Host and he is joined by avid reader and voracious pomegranate eater Austyn Torres, the Poke-Master (Poke-Monster?) Troy Osborn, and Sony Fan Boy Misael. This is our annual E3 episode and we are so glad to be back to talking about video games! We have so much stuff to cover so let’s get right to it:
Is EA the worst publisher in video games?
Did Microsoft really show 50 fucking games?
Sony impresses with their 4 games
Nintendo fizzles by showing 1 game
Ubisoft continues to support their old games
And The Idiot Savants Present Crazy Train of Thought’s E3 2018 Winner: Devolver Digital for the second year in a row!
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! What did you think of E3? Who won in your opinion? Does it even matter who wins? Probably not, but let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! Also, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations:

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
34: Something with Balls
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the worst thing produced by planet Earth since anteaters. Seriously. Fuck anteaters. In this episode, the world’s worst podcast host (Ryan Wolf) is joined by the inventor of the Poke-burger Troy “I got a Pokemon tattoo so people would know I was a real fan since the watch just wasn’t cutting it” Osborn, the world’s number one gamer Austyn “Homeowner” Torres and the soup-man himself, Justin “Bearded Dick” Campbell for a sealed-envelope style podcast where we predict things that will happen at E3. Here is a roughly chronological list of the topics we cover:
Is Xbox Game Pass worth it?
Troy lets Google know everything
Getting scammed by the “IRS”
State of Decay 2
All things Pokemon Update
Troy’s trip to DC
Stupid criminals
E3 predictions
Chronicles of Riddick chronology
An Anthem discussion
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! What did you think of our predictions? Should we have more or less Trump jokes next episode? What is the actual chronology of Riddick movies? Let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or via email! Also, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following internet locations: