
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
I Love Line Rider
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Episode 18
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the best darn podcast East of the Mississippi and now, in stereo! On this episode, the worst podcast host ever (that’s me, Ryan Wolf) is joined by the inventor of the mouse (the animal, not the computer peripheral) Austyn Torres, leather boot wearer Sam “Leather Boot” Romero, and back by popular demand, The Matt Attack for a chat about the following often-digressed-from topics:
Steamworld Dig 2
Remember Jib Jab? Yeah, me neither
Ye Olde Flash Games, We Miss Thee
Line Rider
Spank the Monkey
Interactive Buddy
Adventure Quest
Alto’s Adventures
Netflix’s Big Mouth
Sam and Matt reminisce about playing games when they were kids
Sam tells us about his first girlfriend(s)
Is Mass Effect a dating sim?
We explain Mass Effect to Sam
Thank you all for listening and for all of your support! Let us know some of your favorite flash games from yesteryear or yesterday and if you want to hear more or less Lord of the Rings quotes in the next podcast. I’m guessing less. Nevermind. We will do less. Also, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following (internet) locations:
PS: This is the square flash game I was describing:

Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Crazy Train of Conspiracy
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Episode 17
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the #1 podcast in Northern Indiana that is vaguely about the geeky dumb shit you don’t want to admit to your girlfriend that you are into. On this episode, Ryan Wolf (the author of this text) is joined by everyone’s favorite beatmaster Oscar “DJ Traverse City” Guerrero, bird-watcher and aero-plane enthusiast Justin “At least he’s not Ed Sheeran” Campbell, and gangsta rap battler Sammy J. to discuss a slightly more focused bit of topics as we delve into some of our favorite conspiracies. Also, we would like to give a shout out to listener Jeff Holmes for suggesting this topic! Here’s a chronological-ish rundown of the shit we talk about:
We check in with the Paul Brothers
Wakanda Forever
Christopher Robin
Altered Carbon
Netflix Marvel Show Check-In
Justin tells us about the Mandela Effect
Ryan: Robert Kennedy’s Assassination
Sam: The Moon Landing
Oscar: Control Group
Also: Are there aliens on the moon?
Thank you all for listening and for all of your support! Let us know your thoughts on conspiracies or any other topics you’d like us to talk about. I can’t promise it’ll be correct, informative or good, but at least it’ll be entertaining. Also, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be on their team. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can drop us a line at the following (internet) locations:

Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
The Fiery Molten Lava Death of Simon Cowell
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Episode 16
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought, voted the number one internet radio show by Bears and Badgers magazine for the first time ever! In this episode, join me, Ryan Wolf, and ham radio operator Troy Osborn as we interrogate, I mean, talk to the brunette-est silver-tongued devil you will ever meet, Sam Romero. Listen to us go wildly off the rails on the following topics:
Troy’s Poke-bsessed Story Time Family Trip Happy Hour
Nintendo directly drops some news
Super Switch Smash Bros
Sam (horrifyingly) gives up anime for lent
Are there too many streaming services?
Obsidia needs a villain
How does Obsidia gain her powers?
Our first ever Fan Mail Segment!
Thank you all so much for listening, we wouldn’t do this without your support and feedback! Let us know in the comments on Podbean what you like and don’t like about the show! And thank you to the BS Podcast Network for helping spread the word! As always, you can find us on the internet at the following locations:

Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
The Future as Predicted by Sci-Fi
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Episode 15
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the favorite podcast of mutated flood water frogs! I am your humble host (conductor?) Ryan Wolf and on this episode I am joined by dry cereal connoisseur Austyn “Waterproof” Torres, World of Warcraft survivor Rachel Flashdance, and door to door shoe salesman Sam “Perennial Underdog” Romero. News was in short supply and most of us forgot to play some games this week, so instead, we go wildly off the rails on the following subjects:
Romans are Italian, not British
Obsidia, the one-armed waste collecting super hero
Benedict Cumberbatch can’t say penguin
What sci-fi version of the future is the most accurate?
Walle vs I, Robot vs Mad Max vs Elysium vs The Martian
The Expanse vs Wayward Pines vs Day After Tomorrow
Armageddon vs Bioshock vs Waterworld
Crazy Train of Thought’s Glitchy Shit of the Week Presents: Kingdom Come: Deliverance
We check in with Gotham again
Iron Fist, the most boring of all Marvel superheroes
Paladins: Battlegrounds
Gears 4
Also, as promised, check out our Kickstarter for Obsidia!
Thank you all so much for listening! We appreciate all of your support and feedback! And thanks to the BS Podcast Network for making this all possible for us. We couldn’t do it without you. As always, you can find us on the internet at the following locations:

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
The Black Panthercast
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Episode 14
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought, Indiana’s Number One podcast recorded under the shade of a semi-large oak tree! Join myself, Ryan Wolf, as I chat with leather jacket wearer Sammy “The Ratt” Romero and video game hater Austyn Mother Fucking Torres about Black Panther for a while and then go off the rails on a number of other subjects, such as:
How much can Sam eat?
We talk about gray hairs? (Not a strong intro, I know.)
The boring parts of the Winter Olympics
Black Panther Spoilercast
Infinity War Trailer/Hype
Paddington 2 is better than Justice League
Netflix transforms anime into Live Action-me!
Will Ferrell Skits
The beauty and flaws of Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Dynasty Warriors 9: The Open World
Finally, we talk about Gotham
Dunston Checks In: A Retrospective
Thank you all so much for listening! We are so happy to have our friends state-side and overseas tuning in every week! And of course, thank you to the BS Podcast Network. We couldn’t do this without you. As always, you can find us on the internet at the following locations:

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Every Ship Needs a Good Anchor
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Episode 13
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, Indiana’s number one podcast and the only podcast on the internet recorded on the last train to Clarksville. On this episode, your gracious host Ryan Wolf is joined by satin-voiced Hot Sauce Taste Influencer Sam “Tangy” Romero and Vandaley Industries Latex Salesman/proud beard owner Troy Osborn as we go off the rails on the following topics:
Will Solo: A Star Wars Story suck as bad as Rogue One?
Sam’s Lonely Superbowl
Dunkirk, but with lasers
Can Star Wars branding go too far?
Gallon o’ Pudding Challenge
Sam’s lonely Valentine’s Day
Curse of Oak Island: Best show ever made?
Troy played more PUBG
Troy played more Pokémon Go (surprised?)
Vertical Drop Heroes
A wholly unqualified and unresearched discussion about the Future of AI
Story Time with Sam 2.0
Thank you so much for listening! Like and subscribe on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts if you enjoy our show. And of course, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be on their team. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can find us on the internet at the following locations:

Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
I'm Gonna be a Super Saiyan
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Episode 12
Welcome back everybody to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants! Northwest Indiana and Southwest Michigan’s most popular podcast that has the word “train” in the title! This week, I, Ryan Wolf, am joined by bearded ginger media guru Justin Campbell, Mexican Wolverine Oscar “DJ Travieso” Guerrero, aquarium decorator Samwell Romero, and respectable business man turned outlaw Austyn Torres to go waaaay off the rails on the following topics:
Avatar (the ones that aren’t of the air-bending variety)
Creepy McDonald’s Mascots
Logan Paul (also fuck Logan Paul)
Emperor Palpatine has Dick Fingers (show title runner up)
Crazy Train Snapchat Shoutouts!
Battlefront 2
For Honor
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Thank you all so much listening! We appreciate your support more than we can ever express. And thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be on the crew. We couldn’t do this without you. As always, you can find us on the internet at the following locations:

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
That Time We Actually Talked About Destiny 2
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Episode 11
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought, the podcast that has absolutely nothing to do about trains and is, in fact, about pretty much anything else. Join me, host Ryan Wolf, as I chat with whoopee-cushion salesman and Sword Art Online know-it-all Sam “Saltman” Romero and the smartest man I know with two missing finger tips, Cody “No Longer Taking Sam’s Shit” Knight as we continuously derail from the following topics:
3 minutes of Cody’s thoughts on Persona 5
Sam wants to do something creative, because this podcast isn’t cutting it for him
We “sing” the Saltman theme song
Remember Tech Deck? You shouldn’t.
Farts aren’t funny
Sam the whoopee cushion Salesman and death by dildo
Paragon vs Paladins
Battlefront II
Warframe vs Destiny 2
Romance stories and Cody’s issues with them
Is Sword Art Online the best romance ever written?
Thank you all so much for listening! We do this for you all and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Also, shout out to our international listeners, particularly Slovakia which had the most downloads of this podcast for last month! And thank you to the BS Podcast Network for helping us get our content out there. You can find us on the internet at the following locations:
Email us: theidiotsavants@outlook.com

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Episode 10
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, Indiana’s number one listened to podcast and now, the number three English language podcast in Slovakia as well! On this episode, I, Ryan Wolf, am joined by creator the #Ganime movement Sam “Spicy Boy Spicy” Romero, 2017’s Best Hair on the Podcast nominee Oscar Guerrero, and Austyn “Sicker than Hell, but I’m Recording Anyways” Torres as we discuss:
Austyn’s love for Mount and Blade and Game of Thrones
Sam’s healthy obsession for weird parts of Dexter’s laboratory
Ryan’s time with Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC
Can Zora drown?
The Nintendo Switch: Still cool
Story time with Sam: #Ganime
Sam trolls us with his thoughts on Mario 64
Luigi sucks plus Waluigi impressions
And finally, The Idiot Savants Present: The Top 5 Superhero Movies of 2017, A Definitive and Notarized Legally Binding List
Thank you all so much for listening and again, huge thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you. You can find us on the internet at:
Email us: theidiotsavants@outlook.com

Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Salty Doggos
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Episode 9
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought, the number one listened to podcast in Indiana brought to you by The Idiot Savants! We want to quickly give a big shout out to the BS Podcast Network for asking us to become a part of their crew! We are so excited to join BSPN, our favorite podcast network! In this episode koala bear fighting pit ring announcer Sam Romero joins me, Ryan Wolf as we discuss:
Ice skating IRL versus the Mighty Ducks cartoon
How Bleach sucks as bad as Lost
Ryan’s experience with the Nintendo Switch
Problems with Breath of the Wild
Has Star Wars gone on too long?
Hating Adam Driver’s face
And our thoughts on The Last Jedi
We want to thank you all for listening. You are the reason we do this.
As always, you can find us at the following:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/theidiotsavants
Email: theidiotsavants@outlook.com
Fledgling website: www.crazytrainofthought.com