
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Dramatic Readings of Justice League Reviews
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Episode 8
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought, Indiana’s most listened to podcast that’s vaguely about video games and nerd stuff! I am joined by semi-professional ghost hunter Samuel “Adams” Romero and the realest of man’s men, Austyn “Sugar Tits” Torres as we discuss the logistics of shitting on someone’s tire, Sam teaches us his One to Ten Scale of Agreement as we discuss the reviews of Justice League, are hippos more dangerous than crocodiles, should Assassin’s Creed: Origins be named Assassin’s Creed: Far Cry, how to curve an arrow IRL, and 4k is disappointing #4KNoWay. Thanks everyone for listening. Subscribe to us on iTunes or Google Play or wherever you get you podcasts!
Follow us on Twitter: @theidiotsavants
Email us: theidiotsavants@outlook.com
Visit our fledgling website: theidiotsavants.net

Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Gym Teacher Burns
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Tuesday Nov 21, 2017
Episode 7
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants! This week I, Ryan Wolf, am joined by Mexico’s best disc jockey and self-proclaimed shoe connoisseur Oscar “DJ Travieso” Guerrero and the wiliest of all the rascals Sam “Voice of an Angel” Romero as we reminisce about Christmas movies, the first time your mom catches you swearing, gym teacher burns, how Sam sucks at Twitter AND HATES LUNCHABLES, and they even get me to sing Cher. About 47 minutes in, we have a Crazy Train of Anime minute where I mostly pick at my fingernails and then… THOR: RAGNAROK! Full spoiler warning. If you haven’t seen the movie, DO IT.
Follow us on Twitter: @theidiotsavants
Email us: theidiotsavants@outlook.com

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Scary Fucking Faced Penis Spiders, Oh God
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Episode 6
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants! This week seaweed hater Samuel “J. Joseph Row Row Row Your Boat” Romero joins professional stuntman for voice actors Austyn Torres, soon to be father of two Cody Knight and myself, Ryan Wolf as we discuss the shows, books, or games that have scared us the most. Obviously, that leads us to talk about penis spiders, megalodons, water?, the horrific VR future, pigs (but only the fuckable kind), corpses and the parties you have with them, and the cosmic horror nightmare that is David Wong’s John Dies at the End. Thank you all so much for listening! Please review us on iTunes if you like our show. Also, let us know what scares you the most via email (theidiotsavants@outlook.com), Twitter @theidiotsavants, Facebook.com/crazytrainofthought

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Episode 5
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought! This week Delivery Truck Driver Sam “Lavender Ghumes” Romero joins Blue Toyota Corolla Owner Austyn Torres and myself, Ryan Wolf, as we talk about the clusterfucked process of becoming a homeowner, the enduring popularity of Jerry Seinfeld’s perennial classic Bee Movie, which half of Darth Maul is the most dangerous, and why I think the Lord of the Rings movies suck. Also, Austyn played the Battlefront 2 Beta, finally someone here can talk about Shadow of Wardor, and I went to the theater. Thank you all for listening. Be sure to review and subscribe on iTunes. You can listen on Podbean, Stitcher, iTunes, Google Play, Tune In Radio, CastBox, and pretty much anywhere else.
You can find us at the following:
Twitter: @theidiotsavants
Youtube: The Idiot Savants
Twitch: theidiotsavants
Email: theidiotsavants@outlook.com
Xbox: theidiotsavants

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Loot Boxpacalypse
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Episode 4
Welcome everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants! This week Pokemon (Go) Gym Leader and World's Best Beard Competition 2nd Place Winner Troy Osborn joins Sam "Japanese at Heart" Romero and me, Ryan Wolf as we touch on the ongoing hellscape that is the lootbox epidemic in video games. Sam forced me at gunpoint to add a Crazy Train of Anime Minute, so we do that, Troy tells us why he thinks Pokemon Go is still good, and I tell them both about ways the Marvel Cinematic Universe has influenced trailers for movies and games since its inception. As always, thank you all for listening, please subscribe to our channel and review us iTunes if you like what you hear.
Follow us on Twitter @TheIdiotSavants or email us theidiotsavants@outlook.com

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Loot Box Debacle
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Episode 3
Welcome back to Crazy Train of Thought! Video Editing guru and Junior Ginger Ambassador Justin Campbell joins us for this one as we discuss loot boxes, the hierarchy of ginger leadership, and the bachelor party I hosted in Detroit. This is an episode we recorded a couple months ago and there are some audio issues with the microphones cutting in and out. I stitched it back together as well as possible.
Disclaimer: I had a great time during the bachelor party despite how I make it sound in the podcast. The trip was a lot of fun and gave me a pretty good story to tell.
You can find our podcast on Podbean, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Soundcloud.
Follow us on Twitter @theidiotsavants or email us at theidiotsavants@outlook.com

Friday Oct 06, 2017
That Time We Tried to Talk About Destiny 2
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Episode 2
Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought! In this episode, we try to talk about Destiny 2 for about 2 hours, but only end up getting distracted and wildly off-topic. Sam does his best impression of a radio voice over, Cody complains about Bionicle, and I just try to keep things going in the funniest direction possible. Thank you all for tuning in and tell your friends!
Side Note: Crazy Train of Thought is not officially sponsored by Red's Apple Ale.
Let us know if you like the show on Twitter @theidiotsavants or via email at theidiotsavants@outlook.com.

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Game of Thrones Deep Dive
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
This is not the inaugural episode of Crazy Train of Thought, but this is the first episode we felt could be released to the world. Thank you for listening and we are sorry it sucks. Take it from me, it gets better.
Welcome to Crazy Train of Thought! Austyn and I are on this week to discuss the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale as well as some of the things we enjoyed about the season and more things we did not enjoy. We also have some (dumb) predictions about what will happen next season. Let us know your thoughts about the season or the episode by following us on Twitter @theidiotsavants or emailing us at theidiotsavants@outlook.com