
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
That's Show Biz, Baby
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the internet’s only podcast that continues to disappoint on a weekly basis! Host Ryan Wolf is joined this week by a huge list of guests including Pokemaster Troy Osborn, Film Fiend Daniel Gutierrez, Pokemon Adept and Padawan Colin Giffy, Soundboard Master Malacom Wilson, and Sam “Savant” Romero! Unfortunately, we lost some audio, so enjoy the first part of our episode and we will be back with news next week! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Daniel bring us the latest movies
The Lion King quick review
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Colin gets addicted to Let’s Go, Pikachu
Promos: Things I Found Online
End music: “If You Listen” by By Forever
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Rise Up, Gamers
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only podcast on the internet starring an idiot and a savant that aren’t afraid to address the big topics! King of the Idiots and podcast host Ryan Wolf is joined this week by The Idiot Box co-founder and director-in-training Colin Giffy! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Ryan plays Rage 2
Reminiscing about Pokemon
The influence of music/rhythm games
News: Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo take a stance on lootboxes
Rocket League removes lootboxes
Ninja moves streaming networks
Halo TV Show news
Halo Reach delayed
Republicans blame video games for recent shootings
Pokemon Go news
New Marvel Phase 4 fan theory
Promos: Quiz and Hers Podcast
End music: “Love Kills (featuring Sandra Bullet)” by Levinsky
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Are You Happy, Jumpman?
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, now with 100% less gingers! King of the Idiots and podcast host Ryan Wolf is joined this week by a cadre of miscreants that includes Trials Master and Gears of War fan club creator Malcolm Wilson, Pokemaster Troy Osborn, Super Mario Maker level tester Colin “Not Collin” Gifford, and the man with no plan, out of the darkness and into the light, back again to spew his knowledge opinions on the world is Sam Romero! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Colin tells us about Super Mario Maker 2
Sam plays a game. For real.
Gears 5 tech test
Gears of War movie
News: Rockstar avoids taxes
We unfairly shit on Fortnite World Cup winner
We fairly shit on screen looker at Fortnite World Cup
Marble Olympics
Will Gears 5 get battle royal mode?
Pocket sharks are a real thing
Pokemon Go introduces Team Rocket
Promos: Super Media Bros
End music: Rhiannon by Neon Summers
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only podcast on the internet to be recorded entirely by animatronic squirrels! King of the Squirrels and host Ryan Wolf is joined LIVE from Savant Studios by rejected Chuck-E-Cheez mascot Osc-quirr “DJ Chirpy-ieso” Squirr-ero, Cody “My Nuts” Squirrelbaugh and the only redheaded squirrel of the crew Justin “Bearded Dick” Campbell! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Oscar plays Super Mario Odyssey
Cody tells us about Moonlighters
Ryan gets his Xbox One X fixed
Justin plays Minecraft?
Podcoin ad 38:00
News: #EmbraceDeath
The French Green Goblin in real life
Storm Area 51 and Lil Nas X
Robert Pattinson’s Batman update
Pro COD BO4 player has controller break during match
Comic Con/Marvel news
Promos: Skeptical Skeptics
End music: The Space We Occupy by The Truth Sounds Different
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Far from Home, But Close to Our Hearts
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the podcast with the best and stupidest rants on the internet! Ryan Wolf is joined LIVE from Savant Studios by Nintendo Switch gospel preacher Rev. Oscar “DJ Nintendieso” Guerrero and the internet’s only source for hot anime takes and 5K survival tips rolled into one human being Sam Romero! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Sam runs a 5K
Oscar gets a Nintendo Switch, violently defends Mario Party
Can you think of anything that’s not portable?
News: Judge makes Game of Thrones reference in official document
WarnerMedia announces new streaming service
Cuphead and Avatar: The Last Airbender coming to Netflix
Microsoft working on a mobile controller for cloud gaming
Google Stadia’s Phil Harrison says data caps don’t matter
Bill Gates calls himself a wizard
Gears 5 multiplayer tech test July 211
Spider-man: Far from Home Spoilercast!
Rinkside with Zac and Kevin - https://twitter.com/RinksidePod
End music:
Fly Me to the Moon by Analogue Electronic Whatever
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Anthology is the Study of Shapeshifting
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only video game podcast starring an actual pirate! Host Ryan Wolf is joined LIVE from Savant Studios by Dark Souls apologist and believer in false open-world games Sammy J Romero! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Sam tells us about camp
Sam reacts to Dragon Ball Z RPG The Game
Ryan tells us about Void Bastards
Sam updates us on Skyrim Together
News: EA rep talks the company’s image
A TV show about the making of DOOM
Next-gen Xbox news
Elden Ring is an evolution for the genre
Is It Philosophy? https://twitter.com/pod_philosopher
Splash Damage Bros https://twitter.com/SplashDamageBro
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
The Gears of War Machine
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
ALL ABOARD for a special episode of Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the only video game podcast hosted by someone that might not like the Zelda franchise! Host Ryan Wolf is joined LIVE from Savant Studios by Malcolm “Lawn Mower Man” Wilson! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Malcolm tells us the joys of being a “Gamer Dad”
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is difficult
Breaking down the Gears of War franchise
Gears of War news
How many Harry Potter books exist?
EA responds to British Parliament regarding lootboxes
Double Fine’s Tim Schafer talks Microsoft purchase
Promo: Retro Late Fee
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! Thank you to the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
E3 2019 Post-Mortem: Best of Show and Biggest Trainwrecks
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
ALL ABOARD for our continued coverage of E3 2019! The dust has cleared. The smoke settled. Friendships made and broken… And here we come to drudge up all those feelings again! This post-mortem review of gaming’s biggest news event goes down in history as the podcast where The Idiot Savants almost split up. It’s like when The Beatles split up except none of us are talented and would die without weekly microphones in our faces. Tune in for all the drama you can handle. This is Crazy Train of Thought.
The Idiot Savants
Massive Late Fee – A podcast about what’s streaming, except it’s good
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! We can’t thank enough the very talented and helpful crew at the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! Listeners and fans, YOU can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
E3 2019 EXCLUSIVE! ALL ABOARD for our interview with members of Myridian Entertainment! Listen to Executive Producer and Audio Designer Ty Antonietto and Artist Ed Akiyama tell Troy and Ryan their influences for Myridian, their ideas for the game, and their experience working with the Unreal Engine. We played an alpha version of their upcoming iOS and Android game Myridian and we really enjoyed it. They have an open beta that you can sign up for on their website, as well as a crowdfunding campaign running right now and of course, follow them on social media!
Myridian Entertainment
The Idiot Savants
Podcast Friend of the Week: Lapped Traffic – The best NASCAR podcast on the internet!
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! We can’t thank enough the very talented and helpful crew at the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! Listeners and fans, YOU can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
The Idiot Savants Present: Nintendo Direct E3 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
ALL ABOARD for The Idiot Savants E3 2019 coverage! Listen to Ryan and Troy talk over and give our general reactions to Nintendo's press conference/direct today! This is the audio-only version of the video we will be putting up later today.
Thank you all so much for listening and for your support! We have a new network starting this week! We are now members of the Big Heads Media Podcast Network! You can give us a piece of your mind on our website. www.crazytrainofthought.com Want to make a difference in the production of these? Contribute to our Patreon!